Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Modern Family

     This is might be one of the best shows currently on TV. It is freaking hi.lar.i.ous! I'm pretty sure it is the only thing (show or movie) that has kept me laughing throughout the entire episode every time I've watched it.

     Why is it so funny, you ask? The writing is so clever and the actors deliver the jokes perfectly. It's a combination of hysterical one-liners, awkward (and therefore, funny) situations, and jokes that pull all the different story lines together flawlessly. Many of the situations that the characters find themselves in are very relatable which, in my opinion, always makes for an 'LOL' moment. So many times I have found myself laughing because either Aric, I, or both of us have said or done something that was said or done on the show.

     Although I love everything about it, the best thing about Modern Family is that Aric takes a study break to watch it with me. Aww, so sweet! Hehe.

     The only complaint I have about Modern Family is that it should be an hour long instead a half an hour because I am always craving more when it ends.

If you watch it, you know what I'm talkin' about. If you haven't, you're missing out I strongly urge you to tune in on Wednesday nights at 9 pm EST on ABC!

*** Lame-O NOTE: I tried to upload a clip so you could get a taste of Modern Family's awesomeness, but none of the videos will allow me to, so here's a link to one of my favorite (out of so many) Modern Family moments.


Unknown said...

I'm so ticked I missed it tonight!! I kept watching the clock in anticipation.. 8:30... 8:42... 8:49... THEN.... 9:12!! ughhh I wasn't about to watch it halfway through! I'll just have to catch it on Hulu tomorrow. I totally agree that it should be an hour long. Thirty minutes is just way too short! See you and the munchkin tomorrow :)

Marissa said...

I second this post. MY favorite actor is Phil. he is SO funny! I agree, 1 hr not 30 seconds, I mean minutes.