Thursday, September 16, 2010

Unanswered Prayers

     Yes, this post is partly inspired by the Garth Brooks song. If you don't know this song I definitely recommend checking it out, it's a good one! Ok, onto the unanswered prayer I am thankful for...
     Up until VERY recently, Aidan has only slept through the night a handful of times. I have tried E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G I can think of to change this (short of just letting him cry it out). I have also prayed and prayed for him to sleep better at night. Aric and I have been handling the sleep deprivation pretty well for two people that could, at one point, sleep until noon in college. However, this past month it caught up with us and we have been snapping at each other often. We usually work it out pretty quickly, but it was just that... a quick fix. I was starting to feel that there was a distance growing between us. The distance seemed to be gaining mileage faster than we could make ground back to each other.
     Fast forward to a few weeks ago, Aidan was awake at 3:00 am for the umpteenth time since he was born. After sleep walking into his room to give him his pacifier, I went back to bed and started crying in frustration. As Aric turned around to comfort me, I told him that I am worried that this 6+ month (and counting) stretch of sleep deprivation is going to cause some big problems in our marriage. Did I mention I can be pessimistic at times? And a little over dramatic when I am upset? : P
     I will keep the details of our late-night conversation between Aric and I. Suffice it to say, I never thought that covering an almost non-existent space between us in bed during the wee hours of the morning would immediately stop and reverse that ever growing distance between us. So I thank God for not answering my constant plea for Aidan to sleep better at night!

Sorry, this is probably a little heavy for my second post ever, but this is me! Also, how else am I going to get readers/followers?! Ha!


Unknown said...

I am by no means an expert, but maybe you should try the crying out? I know from a few moms who's pediatricians told them to do it, and they say it was the hardest thing EVER (listening to their baby cry for two hours), but it really worked. The crying was less and less each time. I can't imagine what it would be like, although will soon... but since you've tried everything, maybe this is the last thing to try and it'll really work?? Hang in there, girl! You're a fabulous mommy xoxo

Unknown said...

Aw, I know the crying and no sleep all too well.
I have three kiddos (from a previous marriage) and it was the hardest part of having kids... for me at least... so far.
Anyway, I tried everything with my first - and while it got better she still isn't a professional sleeper and she is 7. I thought I would never make it through those little teeny people years, but eventually you do get through it. And in some strange way I miss how much they needed me then!!

I am glad that things are better with you and the hubs... that's another thing that is really hard!!

Hang in there!

Marissa said...

Ash, I'm so happy you started your own blog! You are already a great writer! Hang in there with Aidan and the stresses a baby brings. Just remember it is only a moment in time and these years, that seem so tough with little ones, will pass by in the blink of an eye.