Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Our Little Frog Prince

HAPPY late Halloween!!!

Plastic Pumpkins.. yum! ; p

It has been a little hectic since Halloween so I am just getting around to posting this... my apologies. As you can see, Aidan was a little frog for his first Halloween! He was just too cute in this (borrowed with much thanks to Story) costume! We did not officially go trick-or-treating because he is too little for candy, but we did celebrate.

Too cute and a little funny as well!

On Friday night, Aidan and I joined our friends for a trunk-or-treat at their church. This was a cool idea and all the trunks and costumes were quite festive. It was a little too late in the evening for Aidan though, so he didn't like as much as his mom.

What are you making me wear now, Mom?!

On Sunday, we visited a few friends that lived close by to 'trick-or-treat' and show off Aidan's costume. He didn't enjoy it very much at first, but by the second house he was having lots of fun. I think he enjoyed being in the limelight a bit.

All in all, it was a pretty mellow Halloween, but we did get a little bit of candy and some super delish spice cupcakes (thanks, Rach). Also, a magical thing did happen at  the end of the night... When I kissed that little frog goodnight, he turned into a little prince! : D

Little Prince :)

NOTE: I made a rookie mom mistake forgot to check the battery on my camera so all these pictures are from my iPhone... good thing the quality is still pretty good.


Unknown said...

oooooo i love it all!! hoo-to-the-ray for iPhones to the rescue! and of course he would turn into a prince when you kiss him! He's had to have turned into a prince a bazillion times now! ;o)

Marissa said...

haha so cute. That is so cool that he turned into a prince! Who would have thunk?

Crazy to me that Story was swimming in that at his age.

Glad you guys had a fun halloween!

Lauren said...

thank you for sharing your little prince with us! he is oh.so.cute.