Do you ever wish your words really were in a little bubble like they are in the newspaper comics? That way if you wanted to take them back you could just suck them back into your mouth. I do. I'm sure we've all done it at some point, and I do it all too often. For example, after complimenting my sister-in-law on her pearl necklace, I proceeded to tell her that I want to get a nice pearl necklace when I am older because it just seems like something one wears when they get older. Really Ashley, really??
Now that I am a mom, I find myself trying to remove my
Now that I am a parent, I see how very wrong and naive I was about so many things. Aidan LOVED to suckle on something when he was a newborn and I could only let him nurse or suck on my finger for so long; therefore, I understand now why someone might give their child a pacifer. I can definitely relate to a mom that 'just can't let her baby cry themselves to sleep' because there is nothing harder than ignoring your tiny baby's plea for help or comfort. I sympathize with a mother that gives her baby formula because breastfeeding was too challenging or not possible for them. While I'm glad I stuck with it and it may be natural, it was hard and did not come naturally to me!
So, to all the moms out there, this is my humble apology. To everyone else, I hope this post helps stop the spread of Foot-In-Mouth Disease!
I wear pearls... and I'm younger than you! lol =P (I think it's a southern thing though hehe) I would totally say something like that, too, though so you're not alone!
And you have made me realize that you cannot have everything set in stone before the baby comes. Things change and you just have to go with it! Unfortunately not everyone understands (I think that's the hard part).
See you and the little man tomorrow xoxo
When Story was born, Luke was dead set on not giving her a binky (Paci). All it took was one trip to the spa for mommy and daddy at home with a screaming baby for him to realize it just makes life easier. haha still makes me laugh to this day.
You are doing a great job with Aidan. You should seriously consider this whole lactation consultant thing.
Your pearls story made me giggle. I think it's such a classic look!
Everyone puts their foot in their mouth sometimes. Part of learning and getting older, I suppose!
^^ That's what I meant and what I should have said, "It's such a classic look." :)
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