Thursday, September 23, 2010

7 Months?!?!

     Aidan is 7 months old today! Where has the time gone? I can't believe how much he has grown and learned in that time;  his 'stats' (as of 9/9/2010): 19 lbs. 8 oz. and 25 in. long! Aidan is an expert at rolling over and sitting up now. He doesn't crawl yet, but he gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth so I know it's coming soon.
     Aidan, you make me smile, laugh, and so happy everyday! I love you! Here are a few pics from earlier today...

Aidan's take on Chris Farley ; p

Just chattin' with mama.
Look at that hair, those cheeks... ahhh, everything! : D

 He's getting closer and closer to crawling!

*NOTE*: My good friend, Katie, helped me out with my blog header... you like?! Thanks Katie!!


Sunrise628 said...

What a cutie!! My LO doesn't sit on his own yet (boo!) but I'm hoping that he'll catch up in that department. He turns 7 months on Oct. 1st. :)

-Joonluv630 (from babycenter)

Unknown said...

I love them all! But especially the third one. However, seeing him in person is always so much better :) Happy 7 months, Aidan!!! XOXOXO

Marissa said...

He is a Q-T-PIE. Love all the pics!

treyandjordynsmommy/Shannon said...

He is just absolutely adorable! I wanted to come show your blog some love, and I am so glad I did as he gave me a huge smile on my not-so-good morning! TY