My first blog award.... *drum roll* The Worst Blogger Ever Award! : p
I'm joking obviously, but seriously.... To say that I have sucked at blogging is one of the biggest understatements ever made.
I don't have a good excuse besides good ol' laziness. I have had absolutely zero.nada.zilch desire to blog for the past month and a half. The really sad thing is that I have had so many great topics to blog about yet I still didn't do it. Eek! : (
I am still feeling lazy, but I am going to try to blog more often. For awhile that might only mean once a week and maybe if I'm feeling really ambitious you'll see two posts in one week. : p
I might be back tracking and playing catch-up for a few weeks with my posts so I hope you'll all humor me.
I am looking forward to my return to my commenting role of the blog world. I still love reading blogs so don't worry I have been keeping up with every one's blog. I need to get back to commenting though.
XOXO. Much love to anyone that has stuck with me as my blog collected layer upon layer of dust... : D
A post! yay!
i love your dusty blog; i can't wait for more posts! seriously, yo.
You're not the worst blogger ever!
Worry not.
I totally go through phases like that with blogging and I think it's totally normal. I think when things get feeling like a chore - you are more unlikely to want to do them! So just do it when you want to do it!!
(haha do you like THAT pep talk?)
Hope you're doing well!! Miss you in blogging-land!
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