My Dear Friend Sleep, how I miss you!
Aidan has only slept through the night a handful of times in his life. Yes, my [almost] 11 month old! :( The long nights of sleepy tug-of-war Aidan and I have been playing has been quite the adjustment for this girl who could easily sleep 12 hours pre-baby. Not only has it been an adjustment on my sleep pattern, but it has been hard on Aric's school work and my confidence as a Mama. Luckily, Aric continues to do very well in school despite the [lack of] sleep he gets, but it has changed from the first semester of school which was pre-Aidan. For some reason I still seem to blame myself for Aidan's sleep habits even though I have done EV.ERY.THING to help him sleep better.
I can definitely understand why sleep deprivation is used as torture device in the military world.
Someday when he FINALLY sleeps through the night I will celebrate, cry happy tears, get rid of these garbage sized bags under my eyes, and tell the whole story. Right now my mind is too clouded by this repeating thought.... "Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep." ;p
No matter how bad the night is, I always end up with a big smile on my face when I get to see this little face...
lol. poor girl! sounds like me! I cannot get this little guy of mine to cooperate either! Was he like this from the very beginning...all the time? Jaden just refuses to be on any sort of schedule/routine. Also he just seems to be restless/awake at night.
He is so cute! I say stuff him before bed!
Haha! I love it! :) It's crazy that we have so much in common. Gotta love those little boys! Glad I'm not alone! Hugs!
PS where you moving to?
All I have to say is I REMEMBER THOSE DAYS. My first didn't sleep completely through the night until she was FIVE. Yes, you read that correctly. Don't get me wrong, there was time in between that she would sleep a night or two all the way through, but then she would be back to getting up for one reason or another. Seriously, it was horrible. BUT, now my kids are 7,6 & 3 and I sleep sleep sleep. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. It's just really hard to see right now!!!
*Hugs* to you.
If I was there I would totally sleep over to give you a night off ;)
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