Thursday, December 9, 2010

'Tis the Season...

... for gift-giving! I changed the lyrics a bit.

I currently have an obsession with It is a place where I can go to waste time get advice and camaraderie from other mamas with children the same age as Aidan. It was mostly for fun and entertainment... until a few days ago. I am part of a close knit group of awesome women on there and we have developed great friendships.

We recently decided to do a Secret Santa for the moms and babies of the group. I was so excited as I usually am for Secret Santa gift exchanges! This one; however, turned out to be extra special.

The Mama and Baby Girl I 'played' Secret Santa for are two great people. I won't go into much detail because their story is not mine to tell, but they have had their share of struggles. I really wanted to do well with their gifts! Mama requested any red clothing item for her Girl... easy, right? Wrong. Non-Christmas red baby clothing is hard to find. I looked and looked and found some plain shirts and onesies that were red, but they just weren't good enough. I wanted to find the perfect red something.

Store after store... I saw nothing that caught my eye. Then finally... I found it! I don't know why, but it just seemed like 'her.' It was a super cute red, corduroy dress with a Scottish dog on it. I am SO not good at explaining things, so just trust me that it was! I excitedly bought it, shipped it, and anticipated the response!

I was not prepared for the response. The beginning of the post started with the sentence, "Ashley!! I love you!" {I'm elated} She explained that her late Aunt that was very dear to her gave her a skirt with a similar Scottish dog on it when she was little and she wore it all.the.time. She was so touched!

My stress over shipping it a day late was quickly washed away when she let me know that they received the gift on her late Aunt's birthday! WOAH! Goosebumps rushed over my body... Coincidence or Fate? Who knows, but I believe that all of this is why I got the feeling that the dress was so perfect for her Girl when I found it.

As I tearfully read her grateful response, I was overcome with one of the best natural 'highs' I have ever had! The kind of high you can only get from doing a good deed even if it was by complete accident.

I am sooo very happy I sent such a perfect and special gift to such a special girl. It's so true when they say that it's better to give than to receive!

The totally AWESOME t-shirt Dr. Aidan received from our Secret Santa! Love it , A! Thank you! :)

I hope this post does not come off boastful. It was not written or posted in that spirit at all. The extra specialness of my gift was an accident and I know that, but I thought it was great story to tell and thought it might spread some Holiday cheer! Happy Holidays All! : D


Anonymous said...

It does not come off boastful at all lovely lady!
And isn't that the VERY best feeling when everything comes together?! This post made me smile from ear to ear.
And OH MY WORD, that t-shirt is so cute that Dr. Aidan received ;)

Unknown said...

I don't think the post was boastful at all! I got the chills rights before you said you got the goosebumps lol What a great thing you did--even if it was on accident... it was meant to happen! And I L.O.V.E. that shirt!! Gosh, Emmy is one lucky little lady ;) *swoon*

Lauren said...

I second what everyone else has said! The story was holiday.perfect and the t-shirt on your handsome little man is adorable!

Marissa said...

Awsome, Ashley! Cool story. Really cool story. I don't think you picked out that outfit by accident at all. Truly.
Funny/cool your babycenter group did a secret santa gift exchange.
Ummm, the T-shirt is freaking rad! Like, seriously-said like Rachel :) I love the way she says seriously.

Nadine said...

Hi! Thank you for stopping by my blog :O) I appreciate your advice and the compliment! I look forward to reading more of your blog! Oh my your little guy is adorable!