Happy Monday All! Today, I am starting a new weekly-featured post about my random thoughts on motherhood. Lately, I have had writer's block which has made my blog posts few and far between. I am hoping that this weekly post will keep my posting on track. Because motherhood is a 24/7 job, I'm pretty sure I'll have tons of ideas for once a week postings. Hope you all enjoy it!
Since this is the first Mommy Monday post, I figured I would start with the 5 Things I Wish I Had Known About Motherhood:
Have an open mind. This was huge for me! I was way too concerned about all the preconceived notions I had about what kind of mom I should or wanted to be. I was so stressed about trying to keep Aidan from using a pacifier that I got super anxious anytime he wanted to suck on something. Because I was so worried that Aidan would become dependent on being held all the time, I missed out on so much cuddling time with my newborn son. I think this is part of why he is not cuddly at all nowadays.
Get educated before baby. I was an expert at all things pregnancy and labor by the time Aidan made his debut, but hadn't done much research about some of the big parenting decisions I would be making. The most important one for me was breast feeding. I knew that I wanted to at least try to nurse Aidan and that's about as far as my knowledge of breast feeding went. Ok, I knew a little bit more than that, but I definitely didn't know how hard breast feeding can be. Even though it's natural, it doesn't always come natural to everyone. Aidan and I really had to work at getting a correct latch in the beginning and then my way-too-fast-flow and his lack of the yellow-seedy looking BMs really put a wrench in our early nursing relationship. After hours of reading and countless tears, we got the latch down and I learned that our problems had names (overactive letdown and foremilk-hindmilk imbalance) and were pretty common. PHEW!
When it all comes down to it, you're the parent. This is sort of an extension of numero dos. Once I did start getting educated about all things parenting, I realized that ev.ery.one is an expert on how you should raise your child. While it is good to get a motherload (pun intended) of info on any subject, in the end you should go with what best fits your parenting personality and your baby's needs. Period.
You are not alone. Now at 9 months postpartum, I am finally realizing that I wasn't alone in pretty much every single feeling and experience I had as a new mom. I REALLY wish I would have known this during those first few weeks of Aidan's life. The majority of moms have the Baby Blues, doubt their decisions, and feel like they are drowning in all the new responsibilities that come with being a rookie in the mom game. I could go on and on on this subject, but I'll save you all the boredom and rambling that would ensue. I just hope every new mom has another mom that they can reach out to because it will definitely be comforting to hear that you are not alone when you are covered in spit-up, haven't showered in a couple of days, and crying for no reason what.so.ever for the umpteenth time.
Savor every moment. I missed out on so many good moments because I was so worried that I wasn't doing this or that right. New Moms: If you baby is fed, rested, and happy you are doing everything just right! It doesn't matter if there's breast milk or formula in that belly. It doesn't matter if they are sleeping in a crib or next to you in bed. All that really matter is that they are getting loads and loads your TLC. :)
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A picture of 2 month old Aidan... just because. I mean, everyone wants to see pictures of babies, right? : p |
Disclaimer: I am SO not an expert on motherhood. These are just the things that would have made the first few months of MY motherhood journey go more smoothly. I would love it if fellow moms added more to the list...
Yes, everyone wants to see pictures of babies! Especially baby Aidan ;)
"I just hope every new mom has another mom that they can reach out to because it will definitely be comforting to hear that you are not alone when you are covered in spit-up, haven't showered in a couple of days, and crying for no reason what.so.ever for the umpteenth time."
^^I'm so glad you're my friend! And I will be calling you (and Marissa)!!
Love that you're doing this post weekly, too! Can't wait to read more :)
Great post! I couldn't agree more with every.single.thing that you wrote. As you know, I also have the same problem with Story not cuddling. I like to think it is just her personality, but it probably had a lot to do with me not wanting to over hold her. oops.
Also, did you know you can schedule your posts? That might be something you want to consider doing with your Mommy Monday posts. For example, you can write the month of December's posts ahead of time and schedule to post them on each Monday in December. :)
Love this!!!
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