What's the first thing that comes to mind when you read the title of this post?
If you said Titanic, you read my mind. If not, try again next time. ; p I am watching this on TV as we speak... er, type. I am having so many flashbacks from 7th grade. <--- I'm showing my age with that sentence. Hehe. Any who, I saw this movie three times in the theater; I was certain that Leo was the just the oh-so-cutest guy on the planet; and 'My Heart Will Go On' was on repeat in my Discman.
Wow, how the times and I have changed. What do I think about Titanic now? The movie is still pretty good and Kate Winslet and her wardrobe are gorgeous; this is something I my hormones failed to notice back in the day. Leo; however, is just so-so now. As I watch, I keep giggling about how much my childhood reaction and my adult reaction to this movie differ. I almost feel like I am watching a totally different movie.
That being said, I still recognize my adult self in my tween self memories. I still have certain things (usually food these days) that I will obsess over for awhile and then be done with. I still have that celebrity that I think is to.die.for (right now, Ryan Reynolds). And I still have that song that is set to perma-repeat on my iPod until Aric goes insane from hearing it too much. It's nice to know that I can change so much, but still stay the same simultaneously. Even though I could do without some of my weird quirks sometimes, they make me who I am and I wouldn't change that at all!
So, what's your "I've changed, yet I'm still the same" moment?
This is funny. First, please answer what song is on repeat on your ipod right now.
I'll get back to you with the "I've change but am still the same." I can think of one now and it's late. Maybe that is why I can't think.
UGH! I always screw up on my comments. *changed and *can't is was I meant to type.
The first one that comes to mind for me is that I'm still goofy and I still dance and sing in public, but now it's to make my 3 year old laugh and not just to embarrass my hubby which is why I used to do it.
I, too, want to know what's on repeat on your I-Pod!!!
I, too, want to know what song is on repeat!! And I have no idea what my changed, but still the same moment is. I'm a creature of habit lol
Are you all on the edge of your seats? No? Yeah, I know you're just my three readers who are really just nice friends that take pity on my sad little blog, but since you asked... the song on repeat is Sara Bareilles' "King of Anything." I actually kind of hated this song at first, but now I LOVE it! :)
Thanks for pretending to be interested in this small detail of my life! I <3 you all!
BJ loves that song. no joke. haha It is really catchy
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