Wednesday, January 26, 2011

11 Months!

Aidan is a month away from the BIG 1 year! I'm only a few days late posting this since he was 11 months officially on Sunday.

He looks more and more like a toddler and less and less like a baby everyday. Bittersweet. He is getting more interactive as well and we are having so much fun together. :)

Height: I'm not even going to try to guess, but we will get an update at his 1 year appointment.
Weight: same as above
Food: Still nursing about 4x a day, but it is still a struggle... just holding out for 1 more month!
Sleeping: Ugh! I don't even want to talk about it. The past 2 months have been rough... he sleeping from 6:30ish-6:30ish with anywhere from 2-5 wakings. :( I am hoping that teething is a big part of this sleep intolerance Aidan has.
Milestones: Overall, he is so much more interactive these days. But here are some of the biggies.

Aidan got 3 new teeth last week! As I already said, this has been rough on the sleep schedules in this household. I can tell that he has at least 2 more that are working their way to the surface so hopefully they will come through soon.

You can barely see the third tooth, but it's there. He has 2 teeth on the top too, but they were impossible to get on film.

Aidan is not even close to walking on his own, but he is crawling and cruising the furniture like a pro. We bought him a push toy that he can walk with and he is getting better and faster with it so walking is just around the corner. Yikes!

Cruising the kitchen chairs... one of favorite past times. :)

This is my favorite! He gives the best, slobbery, open-mouthed kisses when you ask for them. It is the sweetest thing ever!!! It melts my heart everytime. Yes, I ask for kisses all.the.time now! : p

Giving Dad a study break smooch! : D

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mommy Monday

I am LOVING the stage in development Aidan is in right now! :)

I love it so much so let me count the ways...

I love how interactive he is these days. He imitates all the sounds Aric and I make; my personal favorite is when he imitates sneezes and coughs. It always makes me giggle.

I love most of the time how curious he is about ev.ery.thing! He wants to touch, see, move, open, close, rip, and most of all, eat anything that crosses his path. He has become totally enthralled with the toilet lately much to his parents dismay. Yuckola!

I love his new interest in books. Up until very recently, Aidan enjoyed gumming and turning the pages of books but not too much else. He has now come to enjoy listening to me read and looking at pictures before he tries to shove the book in this mouth.

I love how great of an eater he is. Despite a short-lived nursing and eating strike around 10 months, Aidan will eat anything we offer him. I'm sure when he's older we will go through many picky phases, but for now he enjoys all things food.

I love how active he is. He is non-stop! He crawls like a pro and is pulling up and cruising around any and all furniture he can find. He very much enjoys doing 'laps' around the coffee table. Also makes for a tired baby = good nap... me likey this a lot! :p

I love that he doesn't walk quite yet. Hehe. This contradicts the above, but his Speedy Gonzales-like crawling and cruising is more than enough to keep me busy right now. When he starts crawling... the 'A' household will never be the same. Eek!

There are an infinite amount of things I love about my days with my handsome guy so I can't actually count all the ways, but these are some of the highlights.

Happy MLK Day All!!! : D

Stop taking pictures and finish feeding me Mom! ;p

I know I have been neglecting my blog recently... I keep hitting speed bumps, with the most recent one being that the power cord to my laptop doesn't work so my computer can't charge (I'm using Aric's). UGH! I am hoping to get a new one this week. Also, I am going to introduce a new weekly featured post this Friday! It's something I am a little nervous to blog about because it's a sensitive subject for me, but I think it will be interesting and hopefully helpful for others. Get ready for it! Did I peak your interest enough?! Haha!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mommy Monday

 My Dear Friend Sleep, how I miss you!

Aidan has only slept through the night a handful of times in his life. Yes, my [almost] 11 month old! :( The long nights of sleepy tug-of-war Aidan and I have been playing has been quite the adjustment for this girl who could easily sleep 12 hours pre-baby. Not only has it been an adjustment on my sleep pattern, but it has been hard on Aric's school work and my confidence as a Mama. Luckily, Aric continues to do very well in school despite the [lack of] sleep he gets, but it has changed from the first semester of school which was pre-Aidan. For some reason I still seem to blame myself for Aidan's sleep habits even though I have done EV.ERY.THING to help him sleep better. 

I can definitely understand why sleep deprivation is used as torture device in the military world.

Someday when he FINALLY sleeps through the night I will celebrate, cry happy tears, get rid of these garbage sized bags under my eyes, and tell the whole story. Right now my mind is too clouded by this repeating thought.... "Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep." ;p

No matter how bad the night is, I always end up with a big smile on my face when I get to see this little face...

Our little Firefighter. :p Sorry for the poor photo quality; this pic was taken on my phone in bad lighting.

Please excuse the choppiness of this post. Last night was one of the less than restful nights... 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Mommy Monday

New Year, New Look...

I decided since it's now 2011, [WOW!] a new look for my blog was in order... you like? It's definitely more 'me' than the last one. I'm more of a solid colors and muted prints girl so the new digs suit me well!

Any who, Happy New Year All! I know a resolution blog post isn't very original, but I feel that a couple of the resolutions I have this year are important for my Mama-hood journey so I thought they would be good for Mommy Monday.

Be more confident in my parenting choices and intuitions. Before Aidan came long, I felt very confident about my parenting skills. Well... fast forward to Aidan entering the world and yeah, that went out the window! I still second guess myself a lot! :( I need to remember that I DO know what I am doing and as long as I do what is best for Aidan, I am doing the right thing. 

Be more easy going. I think this will help Aidan and I a ton! If I can be laid-back about more things, our days will go more smoothly and will be much less stressful for me. I need to remember that babies don't follow a strict schedule and it's ok if things don't go exactly as planned. Also, I don't want Aidan to be rigid like me... I want him to be go-with-the-flow like his Daddy so I need to set a good example for him.

Be more optimistic. This will help with both the other two resolutions and life in general. It's been proven that optimistic people live longer so that's motivation enough to look on the bright side of it all!

I'm sure these resolutions are going to be a bit challenging for me at times, but resolutions are supposed to challenge us, right?!

Here are a few pics from our New Years Eve Day Trip to the beach... something I never thought I'd do on New Years Eve growing up in CO. By the way, it was about 5 degrees in CO on New Years Eve.... yowza!

Aidan on his 'throne.' :)

He had to 'warm-up' to the cold sand and cold water, but he enjoyed the beach! 

I love this pic! (Aric added that cool effect)

I hope everyone has had an awesome 2011 so far!