What's the first thing that comes to mind when you read the title of this post?
If you said Titanic, you read my mind. If not, try again next time. ; p I am watching this on TV as we speak... er, type. I am having so many flashbacks from 7th grade. <--- I'm showing my age with that sentence. Hehe. Any who, I saw this movie three times in the theater; I was certain that Leo was the just the oh-so-cutest guy on the planet; and 'My Heart Will Go On' was on repeat in my Discman.
Wow, how the times and I have changed. What do I think about Titanic now? The movie is still pretty good and Kate Winslet and her wardrobe are gorgeous; this is something I my hormones failed to notice back in the day. Leo; however, is just so-so now. As I watch, I keep giggling about how much my childhood reaction and my adult reaction to this movie differ. I almost feel like I am watching a totally different movie.
That being said, I still recognize my adult self in my tween self memories. I still have certain things (usually food these days) that I will obsess over for awhile and then be done with. I still have that celebrity that I think is to.die.for (right now, Ryan Reynolds). And I still have that song that is set to perma-repeat on my iPod until Aric goes insane from hearing it too much. It's nice to know that I can change so much, but still stay the same simultaneously. Even though I could do without some of my weird quirks sometimes, they make me who I am and I wouldn't change that at all!
So, what's your "I've changed, yet I'm still the same" moment?